Thursday, 17 April 2008

our new blogger fing!

ello! you can read about us in our profile fingy, if you want to.
we is going to try an steal our mum's pooter regularlylylyly (squirrel, how do you stop spellin regularlylylyly???)
we decided to do this cos we lost our bestest friend last week, and we no our mum sort of wishes she did a blogger years ago. so this is for our friend Tikki.
this is tikki;
he was very handsome dont choo fink? we all misses him lots.

this is me, brighid. i is a very pretty girly!
by the way, you says it 'bridey' if you calls me 'brig-hid' i will laugh at you an squirrel will steal yer shoes!

an this is me, squirrel, i dont care what you calls me!!

we is bestest friends in the whole wide wordl, an we wud never play mean tricks on each other would we brighid?
who me? nope, no way, never ever.....

anyways, we as to go now cos i fink mum as stopped coughing and squelching now (she got summat called a cold, but she is toasty hot?? weird or what) so we is going to pester for a walk. we will steel the camera if we can!

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