Thursday, 17 April 2008

evening walk

we dint go anywhere very exciting this evening cos mum dunt feel well. but we fort none of you has seed any of this anyway, so you wouldnt know! cunning or wot.
ackchewerly, there is some strange fings where we live that make no sense at all, praps you can enlighten us?
when we is walking in fields, we have to follow little yellow arrowy fings wot is magic an tell us if we is allowed to be there or not (an course we ALWAYS follow these dont we, yep!)
but fing is, sumtimes they is odd. like this one;
'you must go straight up inna air'?? wtf??
an this one;
'you must climb this tree'???

anyhoo, here is squirrel lookin cute (she is actually spotting birdies, but dont tell mum... sshhhhhhhhh!)

an here is me chewing some baler twine stuff my mum made into a knot fing cos she FERGOT MY BALL!!! bad mummy!!

when we got home it was time fur tea, an i is always telling her not to go near the microwave fing, but will she listen? oh no.
so now squirrel has 5 legs!
its true av a look!! (fnar fnar!)

and to finish, a quiz!!! excitin or wot!!!

ere tis.....

wot is wrong wiv our church fingy??
1st correct answer gets a pigs foot!

thats it fer today! byyyyyyyyyyeeeeeeeeeeeee!! b&s xx

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